Friday, July 3, 2020

Are Professional Resume Writers Worth The Expense

Are Professional Resume Writers Worth The Expense Are Professional Resume Writers Worth The Expense? This was the question posted on Linkedin last week and I felt compelled to answer it despite my bias, asI was somewhat taken aback by someserious misconceptions. This is an economywhere hundreds of resumes are being submitted for one position.All vying for an opportunity to get noticed and succeed in generating a phone call withthe chanceof a jobinterview. With this kind of competition do you really want to risk submitting a resume that is discarded because you havent made any effort to update the format of your resume for the past 20 years? Or you missed a typo? Or for any other reason? There are definitely inexperienced resume writers out there and many who propose to be resume writers with no formal certification so it is possible to find someone lacking knowledge in some industries.However, aCertified Professional Resume Writer with 18 years of experience specializingat the executive level on a global scale is more than likely experienced in more industries than you could name as well asin varying job markets. A professional resume is designed to make you stand out from thousands of other resumes and get you the opportunity of an interview based on your accomplishments. A Certified Professional Resume Writer with a long career and an excellent reputation is not going to risk it bycomposing a resume for someone using false statements. Yes, it would be difficult to back up false statements in aninterview. You may be successful at selling a product or a service but it is very doubtful you are adept at selling yourself, which is probably the number one reason why a Certified Professional Resume Writer is worth the expense to you. An experienced resume writer willdiscover an accomplishment that could very well impress your next employer but one you discarded asjust, part of the job. Regardless of your level of employment, competition is fierce and standing out in the crowd in todays economy is necessary at all levels. Whether new to the job market or a seasoned executive, if you are in search of a job, the keys to success are thesame,aprofessional, accomplishment-based resume,full time networking and preparedness for a dynamic interview. There are many resources available to assist you with information in your job search but be aware that mostcollege or university career centres do not offer the expertise, (certifications) or the experience in writing resumes as that of a Certified Professional Resume Writer since manywill be students. Unfortunately, or not, when it comes to a job search you will more than likely be dealing with HR professionals and Recruiters. To consider them useless or make an effort to avoid them when seeking employmentcould have a very negativeinfluence on your success. That is why successful, professional resume writershave a good rapportwith these very important decisionmakers who will often recognize a professional resume and respect the effort and the investment made bya potential candidate. If you are investing in a house, you will want to deal with a certifiedreal estate professional.If you are investing in your will and estate planning you will want to seek the advice of a professional lawyer certified in that field. It is a successful career thatsupports your home,your family and your own self esteem. Invest in your career and retain the services of a Certified Professional Resume Writer.

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